Tuesday, June 17, 2008


I am a sucker for romantic movies.  I love romantic comedies. I can read the ending within the first five minutes, but I don't care that I know what is going to happen.  I LOVE them!  I am now watching The Holiday with Cameron Diaz and Jude Law.  Yep, love it.  Getting worked up even though I have seen it and know what is going to happen. Just watched 27 Dresses the other day and loved it, too.  Maybe all started with Pretty Woman? No, I think it was Pretty in Pink. Wait, it was Can't Buy Me Love. Hold on another sec, I am thinking that one of my all time favorites is Say Anything. I have thought about 6 others while writing this blog. I can tell you if you are interested or become my friend on Netflix.

I think that I am just a sucker for good movies. I know that there are those out there that don't agree with my choices. But my thought is - isn't it nice not to be scared, not to think how the world could end, and know that you can swim in deep water?  Sometimes, I think that Marc and I have this perfect love story movie.....met online, were engaged shortly after (I had no intention of marrying when I met him), the perfect wedding, the perfect relationship, the perfect kids, and now the perfect life.  See....they do really happen.

Saying all this, I do have some other favorites.  There are movies that I like that I would not want to live out.  Random titles would include: Thirteen, The Patriot (it is the Heath Ledger fantasy - check out 10 Things I Hate About You), Hotel Rwanda, The Savages (most recently), Rear Window, The Apartment, The Princess Bride, etc..... Okay, there are sooooooooooo many that I could list.  These are not even the best choices - there are so many coming to mind now. Plus, TV series!  Six Feet Under and Arrested Development are two of my top favorites.  I know that so many more will pop into my head as favorites.  But my confession is.....I LOVE romantic movies!!!!! Happy endings are the way to go for this viewer....oh yeah, The Notebook....another GREAT romantic movie.  There are so many!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Happy movie watching!

Side note for those that care......Firefox 3 came out today.  I have only been using it since writing this blog.  It really 'rocks' so far!!!


  1. Ehhh! What about Dirty Dancing???

  2. The Apartment? Somehow that one stands out among the list.


  3. P.S. I love Rear Window, too! It (most, if not all Hitchcock films) is/are so fun to watch.

    How about 'Vertigo'?

    p.s. Hotel Rwanda gets two thumbs up, as well as 'The Princess Bride', I haven't had the chance to catch 'The Savages' - who is in it?

