Friday, October 9, 2009


Feeling just a bit overwhelmed right now...I tend to in general anyway, just trying to keep straight all the "stuff" in our lives: work and various obligations and deadlines there, the store and the various demands it places on us, kids and their various needs, and all the peripheral stuff like bills to pay, chores and yardwork around the house, etc.   But right now, something very specific is making me panic.

I got this harebrained idea that for EcoReno's first anniversary/grand opening party, I would do a workshop on building your own solar oven.  I've always wanted to, didn't seem too hard, and seemed like a good little "event" to have at the shop.  And now, after weeks of trying to secure the perfect sized boxes, accumulating other required items, and scrutinizing various plans, I've reached the conclusion that I'm totally screwed.  It's way too complicated, I don't have the right size pieces of cardboard, and I'm in over my head.  I really don't want to be a quitter on this, but I just don't see how I can do it.  I have no idea if anyone will even show up, if it'll be just one person or a dozen, or what.  Failure.

As long as I'm here, a brief update on the assorted other stuff in our lives.  Sid is recuperating well from his little surgery recently.  Details a bit too personal to go into here, but all seems well in his recovery.  Lola's down to two days per week at Noah's Ark, and her time at EcoReno with Morgan seems to be good for all involved.  I was lucky enough to have pizza lunch with her at school yesterday!  And then dinner at the Santa Fe for Paige's birthday.  Overall, everyone is doing OK, a bit of a common cold making the rounds at our house, Nana coming to visit next week, and, as always, lots of being busy all the time.

Someday, I will get some new pictures loaded here.  Really.