Tuesday, March 31, 2009


Life has been so busy.  That is probably very obvious by how little we get to blog. But when funny, irritating, or weird stuff happens, I feel it necessary to update you all.

EcoReno is awesome. I love doing it and I love making a difference. I have also become very receptive to free publicity. You want a news story on green cleaners? You got it!  Anything to get the word out.

I got a call from KOLO a few weeks ago wanting to do a story on green cleaning products.  A very nice reporter called and asked if she could shoot footage and then come back to shoot live for their morning show. Yep, the morning show that airs from 5am to 7am. What time should I be here Monday? 4:15am. Again, free publicity.

We shot the some footage on Friday morning - a reasonable time of 10am. We confirmed for Monday morning at 4:15. (Let me remind you that even though there is a Starbucks across the lot, they don't even open that early!) She said the only thing that would keep them is breaking news. I think she said something about WWIII.

I had been having problems with the cell phone, but never gave it a second thought. I drug my butt out of bed at 3:45 after a restless night. I kept thinking that I would over sleep. I got dressed, made myself presentable, and took off into the dark morning. There weren't many people out, a few early morning people heading to work and passed a few guys probably heading home from a bar. Oh, and I got a full moon. Who does that? Okay, besides Kelly Ricciardi?  Seriously, a big, white ugly butt thrown in my face. Ewwwwww!  Got into the store, locking myself in quickly, and disabled the alarm.

BEEP.  BEEP. Ah, a message on the phone. BREAKING NEWS!!  Not WWIII, but a body found near Caughlin Ranch. No live shoot for me. There had a been a message left on my cell phone and she hoped that I had gotten it before I left the house. NOPE, because my cell phone is acting up and I didn't do anything to try and fix it. It was a simple fix too - turn off and back on. I headed back home to bed. When I got into the bedroom, Marc asked if I had even left, that is how little time had passed.

The story did air. They used the previously shot footage and I am also happy to say that it aired again during the evening news. I heard it while cooking dinner. So, worth it, but I can tell you that I will be sure that cell phone is working before I head out for a 4:15am shoot!

Other updates: Dad was just here and we had a great visit including the Sacramento Zoo.  The kids are great - both getting so big! Sid's sitter, Michelle, is telling us that he is very interested in the potty. Trained before his second birthday? You never know.

Thursday, March 5, 2009

Still here

And just like that, a month has passed since my last post.   Sigh.  I could just repeat what I said last time, that things are just too damn busy, but that will get old because if I had to guess, that will be the refrain around here for a while.  

Nana came to visit and has gone back home, kids have been sick (double pew-hawk tonight, in fact, but just due to too much running around->hacking cough->gagging->pewhawk) but are now getting back to their old self, EcoReno is expanding products, networking, and trying to flourish, the library budget is going down in flames, and Brian and Sonya are engaged to be married!  

I just don't know where the time goes - a typical day goes like this - up, morning routine, off to work and Morgan delivers kids and heads to the store; after work, one of us picks up kids while the other closes the store, meet at home 6ish, dinner, TV, bed.  Vary slightly on weekends.  Except Sundays when we're both off.  For now.  I can claim to have read a book, The World Without Us, which I really enjoyed and found thoroughly fascinating, and we were able to go see Oscar winner Slumdog Millionaire, but leisure time is pretty slim.

I basically have no more news right now.  Hang in there, loyal readers, the dam is bound to burst someday and regular cheztiar programming will resume.