Tasty is fitting right in. She and Cina have become fast friends. Okay, Cina is a bit annoyed. Tasty wants to play all the time and loves to crawl, claw and bite Cina. She is most intrigued by her wagging tail. It is great that they are getting along so well and that Tasty has fit in like a perfect piece of our perfect family puzzle.
Sid is battling the stomach flu again. It is so hard to watch someone so little be sick and not be able to tell you what is hurting. His little personality still shines through at moments and gives us hope that he is on the mend.
Congratulations to our VERY good friends, Tina and Bart, on the arrival of their daughter, Matilda Adriana. she weighed in at 7lbs 10oz and 21.5" long. We can't wait to meet her. We have had to hold off due to illness around here. Here is a picture of the new family!!
Another quick...kinda gross story, but one for all parents. We were in Kohl's shopping with Nana last weekend. Lola had just trotted off with Marc to the bathroom, as she loves to check out all public bathrooms and they have a family bathroom with a toilet just her size. I was wandering around with Sid in the backpack looking for great deals when I suddenly was taken aback by a horrible smell. Yep, Sid. Ugh. I caught Marc as he came out of the bathroom and asked him to take Sid out to the van and change him. We took him out of the backpack and noticed that he had leaked just a bit. As Marc turned him over to see for himself, two large pieces of fecal matter....okay, shit, fell out. They plopped onto Marc's shoe before rolling off and finally halting on the carpet of Kohl's. For a split second, I wanted to walk away and pretend that nothing had happened. Instead, I went to the bathroom, grabbed some paper towels, and picked it up as if Sid was my pet in the park. Gross. It was an awful feeling. Marc left with Sid, we grabbed Nana and left. Lola was kind enough to let Nana know that we had to leave because there was poop on the floor. The horror that Nana's face took on was priceless as well as the comment, "Well, I hope not." Yep, there had been poop on the floor and we needed to leave. The lesson that I hope Marc learned was to trust my words, treat this type of situation more delicately, and accept the assignment as directed. For me, the lesson is that, truly, you can see anything as a parent. There is no way to be prepared.
Happy Father's Day to all of you fathers out there. Especially Grandpa Dave, Marc, and Pop. A special shout out to the new daddy, Bart. I can't wait to see how the father-daughter relationship will change your life!!
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