My Uncle Dick (her husband) died when I was young - I think about 20 years ago. I vaguely remember him. But I knew my Aunt Chris. She always remembered who I was (we have a huge family) and was kind-hearted, wise, and jovial. She and my uncle had 8 children and many grandchildren. She was a constant in Morgan family reunions. I can only think that she is having a grand reunion in heaven with Dick, Grandma Claire, Grandpa Ben, Gordy, Jerry, Joanne, and many other Morgans that have passed on. Probably siting back laughing, smoking Chesterfields, drinking J&B, and maybe even playing a little cards. Cheers to all of you!
My Aunt Chris (right) with Aunt Ollie. Morgan Family Reunion 2005.
Those are nice thoughts, Morgan!