Christmas was so much fun. Lola got lots of goodies, as did the rest of us. Santa brought her twins and a digital camera. She loves taking pictures. It is a cute, fun little camera. I wish we had opted to buy a camera that took better pictures. The quality is very poor. Check this one out:
Oh, and it has games, special frames and clip art that you can add. Too bad the pictures aren't better. She did take the picture. I am not sure that she added the frame.
Maggie came and spent the holiday with us. We had a fabulous time despite some illness. We drank a lot of champagne, played a lot of wii, and bought lots of shoes. (DSW is having a HUGE discount sale right now. I bought 4 pairs for less than $50.)
Sidney is growing like a weed. He is changing everyday. He has become more content, has started eating cereal, and still wont' sleep through the night. Oh well.
I wanted to blog about a couple of things in particular lately:
I was waiting for the light at Keystone and I80 right before Christmas. There was a gentlemen pushing a wheelchair with an obvious handicap. He had his bags and was carrying his sign. I'm biased about asking for money. On one hand, I can understand being temporarily stuck. On the other, I remember working fast-food, seeing the guys that I saw earlier begging for money ordering burgers, holding their 12 packs. This gentleman received two handouts in the time that I was there. Both were a food item (a can of food and box of food) and a cash handout that he discreetly placed in his pocket. I was overwhelmed with the kindness (one lady got out of her car) and the brilliance of carrying food with them. I am hesitant to give money - unless it is a claim of being stranded or such. I have also heard horror stories of people buying and giving food to those asking (begging) only to be told that they are allergic or don't prefer the food that was presented to them. Really?!?! So to bring this to a conclusion: great idea to carry food in your car and I was totally warmed by the kindness that these people presented to this man.
No big plans on the start of the New Year. I will probably be sleeping to keep in time with Sid. I am hoping to get Lola enrolled in preschool - just need to make some calls this week. Hopefully just a a happy, healthy 2008 for the Tiars. Hey Dad, maybe you could move out this way?
Oh. And my moment. This was finished as it is being published 36 hrs after I first started. They may be short......but they are lovely.
Happy New Year. Best wishes for happiness and good health!
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