That photo of my eye from yesterday really doesn't do my affliction justice. That was taken early in the day, and by evening, I (mostly) looked and (sort of) felt like I had been held down and had a mixture of gasoline, sand, and pepper spray poured into each eye. The drops that Lola had been prescribed last weekend apparently didn't do the trick for me. We finally went to urgent care (what a farce - nothing urgent about it...just one other patient, yet slow as molasses, I had to tell 3 different folks that I wasn't allergic to any meds and that this had been going on since this morning, and out of a total of almost exactly one hour, I spent about 90 seconds with the doctor. Why can they just listen to my description of symptoms in Lola and call in the prescription, but they make a grown man go through that song and dance? Don't they believe me? Are they afraid of the black market and rampant abuse of antibiotic eye drops? But I digress...) and got some drops that seem to be doing the trick. Still rather red of eyeball, and felt like Homer last night:

but the searing, punishing discomfort has all but abated, and I'm not wiping pus from my eyes every 30 minutes today, so that seems like a good sign. Hurray!
Lola is probably going to go see horses and goats today with Amy, if she wraps up her nap in time. We had a nice lunch of mostly edamame and a bit of smashed banana. Morgan should be home from work soon. Laundry's in progress. Looking ahead to how we'll spend our healthy tax refund (e-filed yesterday, should be in the bank in about 10 days). We're thinking new carpet in the bedrooms and hall, some work on the VW camper, save a little, pay off some bills, and a new laptop.
So that's that...another day, another prescription filled. Hope this finds everyone well and fine.
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