So, time to write again. Lots of junk rattling around my skull to share. And I just added some new Lola photos, so be sure to
peep those too.
First, let's talk computers. Our laptop that we use most of the time is starting to show its age, with weird LCD display issues that can't be fixed with a driver update or new software. Likewise, the desktop in the basement that we rarely use is Slow (note capital S) and it's cold down there and antisocial to use for very long, although it's where photos and printing get done.
Turi brought up possibly migrating to a Mac. The conversation turned to maybe trying
Linux. The learning curve would be equally steep, but it would be cheaper, fun, and interesting.
Go open-source. So that's been on my mind. Logistically, I need to figure out how to have a computer to tinker with and one that's still up and running. This might require replacing the laptop sooner than planned.
The other thing firing my neurons today is the house. Improving it. Making it bigger. With Morgan's income, I'm not as worried about monthly bills and how low the balance is by the next payday. A home equity loan payment is not a wild-eyed dream. As baby #2 comes closer to reality, room in bedrooms and closets is more of a stressor. So besides this year's planned bathroom remodel and backyard improvement, next year may see an extra 300 or so square feet on the east side. And if any of you thought I had stress now....I welcome any thoughts on how best, easiest, most professionally, and with the least amount of anxiety, one goes about adding on significantly to ones home.
And as long as I'm soliciting advice...we've got a few pieces of old jewelry to rid ourselves of. Some still nice and wearable, and one piece of junk (but the gold probably worth a bit). Better to take to a pawn shop or to a jeweler as scrap? What if we wanted to save the stones from one thing and make it into something new (but not using the other pieces)? If you've done this kind of thing, let us know what you learned.
Couple other notes that occur to me: Nathan and Sarah's new boy has a name. Demar Augustus (Gus) Tobey, and he weighed in at an impressive 9 lbs, 11 oz.
A couple photos on Turi's page that day. And for those who just read this for the news, can I remark how lame our winter has been thus far? No significant snow, just little storms that make the roads completely awful, and
cold enough...brass monkey.
And finally, just to round things out, I haven't been reading any books lately, the last fabulous movie we saw was
Little Miss Sunshine, and I still haven't done anything about our will(s).
Until next time.