Finally got around to clearing off the camera, added the cream of the crop to the Lola album, the Sid album, and a new album! Since I was having a hard time trying to figure out in which album to put pics where both kids figure prominently, I created a new album called "Both our kids" for those kinds of shots. I'm not going back through old ones to move previously-filed-under-one-kid-or-the-other-when-it-had-both-kids-in-it pics into the new album, but still.
And, in an effort to do this more often, I'm giving up on my lame captions. Pictures are worth 1000 words already, you don't need my dumb commentary.
Ran out of time today, but I've got a bunch of videos to post as well, hopefully tomorrow. Also in an effort to streamline things, for starters, to get caught up, I'm just going to mash them all together in one big stream of consciousness kidfest. It's been so long since I've done this routinely, I can't even remember all the steps and processes I used to go through, so I'll probably be looking for more effortless ways to post video as well. We'll see what happens.