Marc and I talked about having a date night tonight. Instead, the kids and Marc have colds, we went to look for a bed, went to Costco, and Sid threw up on me. Probably one of the most interesting dates I've had in a long time!!
Has anybody else ever noticed that it mostly rains during the night? I LOVE the rain, but it always happens while I am sleeping. A good storm seems to be brewing out there. Marc said the dark clouds approaching from the west made him a little scared.
Loved The Office premiere last night and was so caught up I missed the Grey's Anatomy premiere. I was pretty sad when I realized this information. Guess I'll have to watch it online and watch the commercials. Ah, the joys of DVR and whatever else is on the magical little box from Charter. And the premium channels!! We ordered Showtime just in time to start watching the new season of Weeds. Wonder if we will have to get rid of it when the season is over? In other TV news, I have been turned onto Six Feet Under (thanks, Rayna!) I LOVE it!! How did five season (or more?) go by and I never knew? To you Buffy fans, I still can't get into it!
That's it. Sid's Halloween costume arrived today. I can't spill the beans, but will post pictures in October. But it is good!
Friday, September 28, 2007
Monday, September 24, 2007
I was just going to dump two sweet links on you, scans from a 1975 JCPenney catalog someone was kind enough to post. Here and here. That was a few years before my mom started working for JCP, but having grown up in a JCPenney household, I fondly remember poring over Christmas catalogs throughout my childhood. I don't remember seeing anything as fabulous as these, but I guess it's the historical perspective as an adult rather than childhood fondness for toys that makes them so great now.
Morgan mentioned our visit to SF. In a nutshell, we (us four plus Paige and Maggie) had a great trip over, overnight at friends (who weren't there but let us stay at their house) in Oakland, then a truly wonderful visit with friends visiting from France. Great time was had by all, Lola included, who had some really good fun playing with little Zoe. We forgot our camera, but fortunately they didn't. I should have photos to post someday soon. Stay tuned.
Morgan mentioned our visit to SF. In a nutshell, we (us four plus Paige and Maggie) had a great trip over, overnight at friends (who weren't there but let us stay at their house) in Oakland, then a truly wonderful visit with friends visiting from France. Great time was had by all, Lola included, who had some really good fun playing with little Zoe. We forgot our camera, but fortunately they didn't. I should have photos to post someday soon. Stay tuned.
Case of the Mondays
I am very lucky to have family around to watch the kids while I work. Mondays is their day with Digi.

Here is another funny picture. Marc stayed home with the kids on Friday when I went out to dinner with friends. He finally did call about 2 hours later to see how much longer I would be. Sid can be funny about things. When he is cranky it can be as simple as being too hot, too tired or very hungry. I think this pic shoe how hard both Marc and Sid worked. Sid is socked out and naked.

And another,

Okay, one more.

Other news. Lola is potty trained. She took the leap and seems to really like it. We have the very occasional accident. I think the most joy she has found in her new adventure was the child size toilet and sink at the mall in SF. She was so excited. The automatic flush sill seems to be a little scary. Just have your arms ready for when she jumps off!!
Here is a picture of our BIG GIRL!!!
Here is another funny picture. Marc stayed home with the kids on Friday when I went out to dinner with friends. He finally did call about 2 hours later to see how much longer I would be. Sid can be funny about things. When he is cranky it can be as simple as being too hot, too tired or very hungry. I think this pic shoe how hard both Marc and Sid worked. Sid is socked out and naked.
And another,
Okay, one more.
Other news. Lola is potty trained. She took the leap and seems to really like it. We have the very occasional accident. I think the most joy she has found in her new adventure was the child size toilet and sink at the mall in SF. She was so excited. The automatic flush sill seems to be a little scary. Just have your arms ready for when she jumps off!!
Here is a picture of our BIG GIRL!!!
Tuesday, September 18, 2007
Cool stuff
Just a couple good things I found online this week, both from BoingBoing...
Crazy video, an excellent example of two very dissimilar pieces of media together raising the art of the mashup higher. This video is Burning Man caliber insane. If you're impatient, ffwd to the 1 minute 10 second point.
Amazing photos of ceramics the instant they shatter.
Crazy video, an excellent example of two very dissimilar pieces of media together raising the art of the mashup higher. This video is Burning Man caliber insane. If you're impatient, ffwd to the 1 minute 10 second point.
Amazing photos of ceramics the instant they shatter.
Monday, September 17, 2007
Lola helps with Trash Day
Check out her new boots!
He likes us.
Despite many attempts to make him smile, Sid has been very stoic in these first weeks. I knew he was capable, as he grins right before slipping into milk comas. He has given expressions that might be the start of a smile, but last night we finally saw the real thing.

Wednesday, September 12, 2007
Ah, nutz!
Having a two year old is stimulating, always interesting, and sometimes heart-stopping.
I am a huge trail mix fan. I like the kind with the M&Ms, nuts and raisins. Lola has become a huge fan as well. Yesterday, Lola and I were hanging out in the office (what we call the extra bedroom) when she calmly told me she had a peanut in her nose. I jumped out of the chair and rushed over. She was as calm as can be, continuing to eat her trail mix. I could see it. It was right there in sight. So I propped her up on the toilet (the bathroom has better light) and went after it with tweezers. She kept moving before I could even get the tweezers near her nose. I had her blow her nose. "Pretend there is a kleenex here," I said. Nothing.
At this point I am wondering if someone will be be able to get this out or if it will have to be surgically removed. With mom and Paige, both Lola and I have been told of stories of children with watch or hearing aid type batteries, nuts, jewelry, coins, etc being stuck in orifices or swallowed Here I am, a parent to one of these children.
I called Paige and calmly told her that she needed to come over because Lola had a peanut stuck up her nose. She hung up without asking any questions and rushed right over. Upon her arrival, she informed me that she would not attempt to extract it because she did not want to be responsible.
She distracted Lola while I attempted once again to remove the peanut. It moved even further up. This frightened me even more. Asking her to blow her nose again, while plugging the other side, it came down again ever so slightly. Again, I stuck the tweezers in her nostril and tried to remove the nut. Nope. It moved up again. UGH!!!! At this point I dropped the tweezers and exclaimed that we would have to go to the hospital or call her doctor. "Okay Lola," I said, "try and blow it out." After three hard breaths, the peanut shot out of her nose.
I cannot explain my relief. I understand that this will happen. She will attempt things, she will get hurt sometimes, and now I know she will make my heart stop.
I am a huge trail mix fan. I like the kind with the M&Ms, nuts and raisins. Lola has become a huge fan as well. Yesterday, Lola and I were hanging out in the office (what we call the extra bedroom) when she calmly told me she had a peanut in her nose. I jumped out of the chair and rushed over. She was as calm as can be, continuing to eat her trail mix. I could see it. It was right there in sight. So I propped her up on the toilet (the bathroom has better light) and went after it with tweezers. She kept moving before I could even get the tweezers near her nose. I had her blow her nose. "Pretend there is a kleenex here," I said. Nothing.
At this point I am wondering if someone will be be able to get this out or if it will have to be surgically removed. With mom and Paige, both Lola and I have been told of stories of children with watch or hearing aid type batteries, nuts, jewelry, coins, etc being stuck in orifices or swallowed Here I am, a parent to one of these children.
I called Paige and calmly told her that she needed to come over because Lola had a peanut stuck up her nose. She hung up without asking any questions and rushed right over. Upon her arrival, she informed me that she would not attempt to extract it because she did not want to be responsible.
She distracted Lola while I attempted once again to remove the peanut. It moved even further up. This frightened me even more. Asking her to blow her nose again, while plugging the other side, it came down again ever so slightly. Again, I stuck the tweezers in her nostril and tried to remove the nut. Nope. It moved up again. UGH!!!! At this point I dropped the tweezers and exclaimed that we would have to go to the hospital or call her doctor. "Okay Lola," I said, "try and blow it out." After three hard breaths, the peanut shot out of her nose.
I cannot explain my relief. I understand that this will happen. She will attempt things, she will get hurt sometimes, and now I know she will make my heart stop.
Friday, September 7, 2007
One more thing...
Along the same lines as the trivia/IQ tests linked below, may I present:
71%The Movie Quiz
71%The Movie Quiz - Movie Reviews
Link dump time
I was going to wax poetic about how it's starting to feel like fall has its foot in the door, brisk tingly mornings as I ride my scooter through the streets to work each morning, fewer dust-covered Burning Man cars passing through, and balloons in the skies. But Morgan beat me to the punch, so there you go. Other tidbits, we're FINALLY taking possession of the Eurovan tonight, and Lola's started pooping on the potty! Good times all around
In addition to the general updates above, I found a handful of cool things to share with you loyal readers, fun/neat/cool sites on this here world wide web. Most came from an article in PC Magazine of 100 best undiscovered websites. These are the ones I thought most share-worthy:
Top Secret Recipes - for recreating the yummy things you get when you eat out.
LumosIQ test - totally fun mind games (just 3 of 'em) that give you a score of how smart you are. I got 140. Report back in the comments.
Another test - This one sent by Gigi, you have to think fast (8 seconds to pick an answer), it's more a trivia test than IQ. Still fun. Can't remember what I scored, 25 or something?
LikeBetter - Pick the picture you like better. Pick enough of them and the brain tries to tell you something about yourself.
DaFont - Mostly included here for me to refer back to another time, tons of free fonts for your computer. Good for posters, flyers, tattoos, etc.
Boomshine - Totally addictive, fun, simple, and relaxing game.
OK, that's all I've got.
In addition to the general updates above, I found a handful of cool things to share with you loyal readers, fun/neat/cool sites on this here world wide web. Most came from an article in PC Magazine of 100 best undiscovered websites. These are the ones I thought most share-worthy:
Top Secret Recipes - for recreating the yummy things you get when you eat out.
LumosIQ test - totally fun mind games (just 3 of 'em) that give you a score of how smart you are. I got 140. Report back in the comments.
Another test - This one sent by Gigi, you have to think fast (8 seconds to pick an answer), it's more a trivia test than IQ. Still fun. Can't remember what I scored, 25 or something?
LikeBetter - Pick the picture you like better. Pick enough of them and the brain tries to tell you something about yourself.
DaFont - Mostly included here for me to refer back to another time, tons of free fonts for your computer. Good for posters, flyers, tattoos, etc.
Boomshine - Totally addictive, fun, simple, and relaxing game.
OK, that's all I've got.
Reasons to love Reno
Lola and I peaked out our front window this morning to discover that we can see the balloons from this house as we could from our last. It is not the same view, but really impressive from our driveway. I have only done Dawn Patrol once. my mom dragged us out so early, I don't think I had hit REM. It was nice though. She made breakfast and there was champagne (I was too young to care). It was fun. I remember being impressed even as a snotty teenager. Now, I wouldn't want to fight the crowds. Maybe next year for Dawn Patrol. I think we will walk tomorrow morning to get a closer look. Lola was impressed with just what she saw this morning, I bet she will love it.
I am back to work this week. I have to say what a warm welcome they had - there were tons of books to be put away. Nothing makes the day go faster than a lot of work. I truly missed it - actually my coworkers more than the work! Ane with only 15 hrs, it is easier to be away from the kids.
Parkerbailey (the '85 VW) was sold to a nice kid this week. I guess he was older than a kid. Sad to see it go, but the Eurovan will help ease the pain. We have the Saturn for sale if you know anyone interested. A good car and I liked it. But we can't keep them all! I already feel a little overwhlemed with the neighbors cars - but he has ten kids!
I am enjoying the cooling weather and am looking forward to the encroaching fall weather. Changing colors, cooler weather, Marc, Paige, Lola and Gigi's birthdays, Halloween, and a visit from Nana.
I am back to work this week. I have to say what a warm welcome they had - there were tons of books to be put away. Nothing makes the day go faster than a lot of work. I truly missed it - actually my coworkers more than the work! Ane with only 15 hrs, it is easier to be away from the kids.
Parkerbailey (the '85 VW) was sold to a nice kid this week. I guess he was older than a kid. Sad to see it go, but the Eurovan will help ease the pain. We have the Saturn for sale if you know anyone interested. A good car and I liked it. But we can't keep them all! I already feel a little overwhlemed with the neighbors cars - but he has ten kids!
I am enjoying the cooling weather and am looking forward to the encroaching fall weather. Changing colors, cooler weather, Marc, Paige, Lola and Gigi's birthdays, Halloween, and a visit from Nana.
Sunday, September 2, 2007
OK, as promised, additional on them for larger versions.
Birds at our birdfeeder
And a few from our afternoon BBQ at Ian and Sharon's house, featuring dear Lola of course...

Birds at our birdfeeder
And a few from our afternoon BBQ at Ian and Sharon's house, featuring dear Lola of course...
A few new pics
Well, I was going to just post a quick blurb that I put up a few new Sidney pics in his album and Lola pics in hers. Then I was going to wait until later today to include a few pictures of birds at our birdfeeder and one of our new house in the margin. Then Morgan convinced me to go ahead and toss something out right now...we leave for brunch in 45 minutes.
Around the house this weekend: Living room painted fabulously by Morgan in a nice shade of blue and one wall in chocolate brown (or mahogany as Home Depot calls it) , more painting to come tomorrow we hope; went to dinner at sister Sarah's house in Truckee last night, BBQ at the Campbells' house today; need to fill up the birdfeeder; selling some stuff on ebay; miscellaneous errands and such. Nice to have three whole days.
So that's it for this quick post, hopefully I'll get back on with some other photos later today.
Around the house this weekend: Living room painted fabulously by Morgan in a nice shade of blue and one wall in chocolate brown (or mahogany as Home Depot calls it) , more painting to come tomorrow we hope; went to dinner at sister Sarah's house in Truckee last night, BBQ at the Campbells' house today; need to fill up the birdfeeder; selling some stuff on ebay; miscellaneous errands and such. Nice to have three whole days.
So that's it for this quick post, hopefully I'll get back on with some other photos later today.
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